Wheels of Revelation streaming

The release event on Thursday 23rd will be followed by a world wide streaming of Wheels of Revelation - a road movie featuring Siena Root, in cooperation with firebirdindustries. You can pre-order the movie for only 5 € now.

Siena Root left the city to record a new full length album last year. This journey and the creation of this album was captured in a feature movie. It’s a story of how a psychedelic rock band leaves the concrete jungle for the peace and love of the Nordic woods. Along the road, the band finds the musical inspiration on a horse back and by a quiet lake.

The audience of this movie is treated with an insight of Siena Roots creative process and the recording of their root rock music. This is both a road movie and a music documentary with a great soundtrack from the album, Revelation. Once again, Siena Root make a new dynamic interpretation of root rock, incorporating strong acoustic melodies.